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    Are you struggling to rank on Google? Avoid some of these SEO pitfalls and improve your website’s ranking organically.
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    Pitting Content Marketing against Search Engine Optimisation is a loss for all involved, especially your business. Here’s why… Have you heard the news? SEO is dead. Long live SEO! Content is the new king… …or so the headlines would have you believe. Today I’m here to tell you that this isn’t the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the
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    Let’s face it: as a small business owner, ranking in Google can be a really hard task. First you need to deal with the fact that because you are a smaller business, you are very likely not getting the influx of attention that larger, more established businesses are getting. Furthermore, you have bigger businesses finally catching on to the SEO
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    Firstly, What are Back Links? A back link (or “inbound link“) is any hyperlink coming back to your website. From the Google Search Engine’s point of view, each backlink scores a point for your website.  In effect it is saying “this website is worth a visit, go and check it out!”.  After-all, the internet is built on hyperlinks. The more
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